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July 08, 2019

What Is Vitamin C?

Also known as L-ascorbic acid or cevitamic acid, vitamin C is a carbohydrate-like matter that is found naturally in a variety of foods, especially plant sources. Unlike certain other vitamins, the human body is unable to make its own vitamin C — we all have to depend on an outside source such as fruits (oranges, kiwi, strawberries, cantaloupe), vegetables (cabbage, spinach, red and green peppers), and peptide supplements (such as IMMUSE™).

What Are The Health Benefits Of Vitamin C?

Taking vitamin C is important to brain health as it helps with the production of neurotransmitters. These are substances that help your nervous system communicate with you using chemical signals. Vitamin C also is used by your body to create compounds that sustain the well-being of a number of bodily tissues, including the skin. These elements include collagen (which is the most common protein in your body; it makes up the skin, tendons, ligaments, and muscles), and carnitine, a compound that plays a critical role in your body's metabolism. Carnitine helps to generate energy by breaking down the fatty acids in your body and transporting these acids into cellular mitochondria.

In addition to the basic mental and physical benefits of vitamin C, some studies suggest when it comes to the common cold while taking supplements won't prevent you from catching a cold, if you regularly take a vitamin C supplement your cold will last a shorter amount of time and the symptoms will be less severe.

Also, with regard to eye disease, other studies suggest that using oral vitamin C supplements (in combination with other minerals and vitamins) may indeed prevent age-related macular degeneration (AMD) from worsening. Moreover, further studies also propose that those who have higher levels of vitamin C intake have a lower risk of growing cataracts.

What Else Can Vitamin C Do For You?

How else can your mind and body benefit from taking vitamin C? IMMUSE has more information available on this powerful antioxidant and the positive effects it can have on your health. We encourage you to learn more by exploring our website. Please feel free to contact us via email at or via our easy-to-use online form with any questions you might have.